Hi Everyone!
I was so excited to come home from the hospital and see your very kind comments posted to Clarissa's birth announcement. Made me all tingly. Going into labor on Tuesdsay night was a total shock, but by golly you know labor when it hits. As I had been posting, I was feeling verrrrrrrry uncomfortable, so all in all, it shouldn't have been that unexpected. I was large and in charge let me tell you. Round.
Natalie is all I could have hoped for and more. She is such a good baby (so far!) and is just beautiful and best of all, healthy. We came home Friday around 1 p.m. and are settling in just fine. I am so much more calm this time around. With poor Lily I was a nightmare of uncertainty, micromanaging, baby blues, and just neurotically ridiculous. I'm letting Natalie let me know what she needs (more boob please!) and when (now please!) and other than that she is perfectly content.
I'll probably be posting lots and lots, because I'm such a proud mama. Of both my girls! Lily is taking to Natalie like a proud big sister.
Here is our new family with proud Cheeto fingers!

And while Natalie is a very red newborn, this picture is super red b/c I took it at night with just a lamp in the corner of the room...so excuse the bad exposure. I'll post better ones soon!

xoxo, sara