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Monday, January 28, 2008

Suggest a name

for my baby! Girl and boy names, please. I'm just not coming up with anything that speaks to me! Leave it in the comments if you will.


Kimberly said...

Gavin... my cousin just had twins and she named them Gavin and Austin. My sister has twins and named them Maddie and Olivia. How fun!!

m.e. said...

Oooh, I love Olivia, too ;-)

Anonymous said...

For girls- I love the name Stella and I think Stella Moon sounds so cute! And, I also like Maisen for a girl. For boys- Mason is cute and so are Landon and Cohen.

m.e. said...

I also like Jack or Jackson fora boy. And a boy name contender for our next one is Miles...love that name! Also, Riley. But I like that for a girl, too. Ummm, that's all I got right now. Be back later if I think of anything else!

Anonymous said...

For boys.... since I will never have any I like Lucas Kade and Aidan
For girls Olivia, Zoe and Abby

Anonymous said...

You should totally take advantage that your last name is MOON! Bella Moon, Stella Moon, Shootforthe Moon, etc! :)

Or you could go with Mary Moon - after Mary in It's a Wonderful Life! AAaannnnndddd Daaannnnccee Byy thee liggghhhtt of theee Mooooooonnnnn!

Anonymous said...

Here are a few more suggestions. Names I like are...
for boys: Cole, Darren and Jake
for girls: Maya, Mia and Sofia
and oh, my friend had twin baby girls and named them Taylor and Morgan...precious. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

hey sara, my sister's name is cambrey. i haven't heard too many of those and of course i got jennifer, one in 5 gazillion! maybe that might spark and idea or send you in a different direction.
cambrey said chloe is cute too.
i went to school with a paxton, last name, night and believe it or not his sister was stormy. i kid you not!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,

I found your blog through Shutter Sisters! Congrats on your pregnancy - my favorite part of being pregnant was picking names.

I have a few name suggestions, since I'm done having kids - you can have my faves that I didn't use.

Boys: Cooper,Beckett, Sawyer

Girls: Celia, Anya, (LOVE Stella, also)

PS. Olivia is beautiful, but I know of about 15 born in the last year...same with Jack.

The Pollards said...

I also like Maya for a girl, and Rhys (pronounced Reese) for a boy.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am here via The Gloriously Mundane (Jen).

I like a lot of the names that have already been suggested, like Gavin, Landon, and Stella (which would go beautifully with Lily).

I love Mia, but know that it is fairly popular now. And we have some friends who have two daughters named Lily and Fiona, with Fiona being the younger. Very cute name I think. I also like Nora.

Hmmm, boys are harder for me. I like Jake and Brady.

Congratulations! I'll be checking back!