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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Oregon Part I

As I'm waiting for my camera to download some umpteen million photos, I thought I'd post a few pics of our friends Shelly and Chuck. You could also call them Shellchucker. I just cannot express what great friends they are. While in Portland they made us feel like the most important people in the world. We miss them terribly. Shelly is just about 9 months pregnant and looking gorgeous as always. Chuck, well, excuse his motorcycle-dude bandana. Underneath that he has the cutest mini-mohawk!
Anyway, our wonderful friends at gloomy, chilly (that day at least) Cannon Beach, Oregon.

A little closer...I love their smiles.
And one of my hubster...looking oh so Pacific Northwest. He was totally in his element the past week and a half. He grew up in Portland, went to college in Alaska and then married a chick who moved his butt to Texas. He's not very...uh...fond of the heat, shall we say.

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