Had to show you with a picture! Due March 19th :-) Wish me sanity and good health! (Will definitely take some time off for maternity leave so keep that in mind when planning photography sessions for next year! Probably won't shoot any of March or April.)
First of all, I am trying to rid your life of lifeless chain/mall studio-type photographs. No offense. How boring! How posed! I want to capture the essence of childhood. The crumbs, the drool, the dirty fingernails, the skinned knees, the laughter, the awe, the innocence, the everyday, the fun! I want to take photographs that make you laugh, or roll your eyes, or say, "Remember when she used to..." That's what photography should be! A moment caught frozen in time to share over and over again...with a story behind it. I'm on a journey with this...aren't we all? I'll serve as a witness for your journey.
congrats sara
to u & your
miss L gets
to be a big sister :)
sorry I missed u
when I was down
in Galveston.
Congrats Sara!!!! Our duedates are only alittle over a week apart!! how exciting for you guys!! yay!
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